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Pastor Frederick L. Henderson serves as the Founder and Pastor of The Rock Full Gospel Baptist Church of New Orleans, Louisiana. Under the spiritual guidance and leadership of his pastors, Bishop Paul S. Morton, and Elder Debra B. Morton. He served over 22 years in various capacities at Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church.  Second Assistant Pastor, a member of the Church Council, Overseer of Christian Education, College of Elders Chairman, President of the Ministerial Alliance, Director of the School of Ministry, Men of Vision President, Director of Marriage Ministry, and a proud and exciting Sunday School teacher.  He has developed and taught many classes in the GSS School of Ministry and PSM Bible College, including:  Biblical Hermeneutics, Homiletics, The Pentateuch, Old and New Testament Survey and Bible Doctrines.  He is an educator, motivator, innovator, preacher, teacher, husband, father, and grandfather. Pastor Henderson has yielded his gifts to God to be used for His glory.  He stands scripturally grounded on Mark 10:45 for he knows that if Jesus came not to be served but to serve, he is not greater than the Master, and is committed to serve by giving his life as ransom for others.




Mark 10:45 (KJV)

For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

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